What is IELTS ?

IELTS- also referred as International English Language Testing System, is an exam that is considered to assess the English Language ability of the aspiring candidates for pursuing higher studies at the international platform or for availing work permits in the major countries. We try to render prominent IELTS coaching related services and focus on every aspect of the IELTS. We have specialized services and prominent teaching faculty for IELTS Learning.

There are two modules in the IELTS Exam- IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. IELTS Academic exam is undertaken by the aspirants who wish to pursue undergraduate or post-graduate studies at an international platform. IELTS General Training Exam is taken by the candidates for those who wish to fulfill their professional purposes.

However, in general, In an IELTS exam there are generally 4 modules: READING, WRITING, LISTENING, SPEAKING. We provide extensive IELTS training in all of the 4 modules to the aspiring candidates who wish to undertake this exam.

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